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Featured Artists, Musicians and Poets

Kaji Aso

Artist, Teacher, Mentor

Gabriela Anya

Michael Biales

Tsuya Chinn

Shawna V. Carboni

Sarah Coletti

Veda Daly

Jean Danton

Loretta M. Dixon  

Katie Dupuree

Leslie Ann Eliet

Kate Finnegan

Harris Gardner

Jeanne Gugino

Michiko Imai

Brenda Jones

Ruth E. Khowais

Karen Klein

Marj Layman

Christy Liao

Paul David Mena

Takahiro Miyao

Kate Nordstrom

Linda Papatopoli

Mikiko Sato

Lainie Senechal

Katherine Sloss

S.E. Tanzer

Samantha Vezina

Gail Wright

watercolor on yupo by Brenda Jones

monotype by Jeanne Gugino


Now Available for Viewing on YouTube


Group Exhibition & Virtual Presentation 

of Art, Music and Poetry inspired by

the theme "Octopus Dreams"

octopus pot

a short-lived dream
under the summer moon

Poem by Basho

calligraphy and sumi ©1988 Kaji Aso

Fun fact: 

Tako (Japanese pronunciation for Octopus)

 written like this 多幸 is a pun for
"great happiness"

Poem by Basho, calligraohy and sumi ©1988 Kaji Aso

Poem by Basho

calligraphy and sumi ©1988 Kaji Aso

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